divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014

Drawing on humor for change

Liza Donnelly is New Yorker cartoonist who draws about the topics of modern life. In this Ted video she explains her personal experience.

When she was a little girl in the 50's and 60's, girls were supposed to be pretty, girly , gentle and kind and she didn't fit in. At that time you had to follow the rules of all the roles around you, who told you how to act in every single moment and how to be. Liza didn't feel up to put up with it.
Fortunately, her mother wasn't like the rest, she introduced Liza in the world of drawing.

She has said that the best way to change these rules is with humor. Nowadays she works with international cartoonists to combate the international difficulties which women have around the world.

Liza has the hope of battle against the women and political problems with a laugh.

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