INS Castelló d'Empúries, Castelló d'Empúries
La Moncloa, Madrid
Monday, 13th April 2015, Castelló d'Empúries
First of all, I would like to recognise that work as a president must be a very complicated and hard work. I recognise your efforts in a sincer way.
However, there are big issues in the country which you are ignoring and underrating, even they need more support from the government. As you may know, I am talking about investigation and education, which are two of the most important issues of a civilized country as we are. Investigation could help find new medicines, new therapies, new inventions...And consequently could help us be an important country in the UE and not be just a holidays resort.
Having a good education is the key to solve our problems, we just need to priorize what is more important: football or education?
Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Yours Sincerely,
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